Some of us find it hard to commit. You may have fear and find it difficult to build a solid romantic relationship that leads to a long term commitment or just choose not to.

1. When Things Get Real You Bail

You might have met someone you share a great interest with and enjoy their company, but the moment things starts heading down the serious road, you’d rather demolish that road and bail or just create potholes to make the ride tougher than it should be.

If things are looking too promising you decide it’s time to up and go.

2. You Enjoy The Pursuit Too Much Than The Real Deal

It’s all thrills and fun when they are trying to get your attention. You love it when the other person is actually prioritizing you and going out of their way to get you.

You will entertain them and let them think they can actually get the candy from your candy jar but as soon as you also want their candy too, you start shutting down. In other words the moment they get too interested and you feel like they might get you, you shoo!

3. Hard to let in

You might have been hurt before and you think whatever your ex did to you is what you’ll get if you get in a new relationship. It’s very hard for you to trust anyone and believe that they have your best interest at heart.

You cocoon yourself in one corner that has walls built up so high to intentionally keep people off or scare them. You are even religiously following ‘once bitten twice shy.’- maybe a bit too hard.

4. Staying in a relationship that has no future

You are so comfortable being in a relationship that has no future because at least then you know nothing serious will amount from it. Yeah let’s just ferment these grapes doesn’t matter when they’ll be ready to make some wine or if they’ll go bad before we get to the greatness of the wine.

You are okay with the fun and any other benefits it comes with as long as it stays just fun. You entertain this type of a relationship cautiously bearing in mind if it ends no harm no foul- to the heart.

5. Short span of time in moving on

When we seriously commit, most of us if not all, after a heartbreak it always seem impossible to move on. 

But with someone who has commitment issues, they can easily move from one relationship to another in a very short period of time.

You might actually be alternating partners just in case one situationship doesn’t work out, to make it easier and faster to move on to the ‘ back up’ plan. At least this would hurt a bit less if you have someone to fall back on.

If this ship sinks then honk honk to the next one!

6. Feeling Trapped

You actually feel trapped if the partner starts to show more emotional investment.

You start seeing how being single comes with a lot of freedom and you don’t want to be tied down to one cubical ‘prison.’

You start to back off or trying to create issues to make it harder for the person to desire or want more from you.

7. You Have Had It All Before So No More

You might’ve had the whole commitment thing figured out before. You might have given it your all, had great moments in it and got most of the things you’ve ever wanted in it but for whatever reasons it came to an end.

With all these, you see no reason to go through the same cycle and decide to avoid serious emotional attachments that might lead to another long term commitment.

“I just want to enjoy life” or  “I just want a good time” becomes your go to slogan.

In Conclusion,

We might be afraid of committing because of a strong fear of abandonment or just because we don’t want the hassle that comes with forming emotional attachments, whatever the case, find out what works for you and what doesn’t! 


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