It’s sad and unfortunate that we have found ourselves in a web of panic and confusion amidst this pandemic.[Covid 19].
 One of the safety measures in place, is to stay home and only go out when necessary.
So what do we do as we are in the quarantine season to kill boredom and have fun. Here we go!

 Play 21 Questions.

 Let’s just go old school and ask questions. We might have done this when we first started dating them, but you can always find out more about your partner.
You can even make it dirtier, I mean why not? Just to spice things up. You can get cheeky and ask about his secrets or fears(and use them against him later)- just kidding. Let it just be purely for fun.


Find a recipe, might be something you both have never tried or a dish you love, and cook it.

Compete to see who prepares it in less time with no much mess and with a perfect outcome. You’d then blindfold them and give them a taste of both your food and watch which one they react to positively.

Even if you’re both professional chefs, there’s one that’ll crash that cook off!

Movie Marathons.

There are some of us that are addicted to Netflix and can be ‘couch potatoes’ when it comes to movies. You can set a day that will be watching movies back to back with your partner. Be it reruns or new shows, whatever floats your boat.

 Of course the ‘couch potato’ one will be the last man standing- or not. But how relaxing would this be!

Trying out new cocktail recipes.

Where are my happy hour people at? Since it’s almost impossible to have that happy hour at your favorite chill spot, why not bring it home?
 Get those recipes, online or any other way and be your own mixologists. You’d try out a couple depending on the type of alcohol that works for you and how strong your body can handle alcohol.
 Day drinking with your partner, it couldn’t get any better!

Replaying scenes from a movie.

 We all have our favorite scenes from our favorite movies. That movie that you’ve rewatched uncountable times and can recite word to word.
 You can both get in character and re-enact a specific scene. It could be a comical part or even better a romantic scene-just to get an excuse to kiss.

Two truths and a lie.

This is a game whereby, you tell your patner three things about yourself.
 Out of those three things, two would be true and one a lie. Let them guess the truth and the lie. 
To make it better, if they don’t get it right you may introduce taking a shot of your preferred alcohol for every wrong answer. If you have a partner that doesn’t drink like mine, still, take the shot and give them water or better yet very concentrated coffee.

Kill, Marry and Hookup.

 With this game, you pick three people and choose which one you’d kill, which one you’d marry and which one you’d hook up with. It’s all fun and games people.
 You could choose people from your inner circle but this may not be the best idea. 
Some people would take it too seriously if you played with people you personally know because of the hook up part. So, you could go for celebrities.

Truth or Dare.

This classic game could never get old for most people. As the name suggests, you get to give your partner a choice between the two.
If they keep choosing truth to avoid a dare, feel free to change it to ‘dare or dare’ just so you can make him do crazy dares, like go to the window and shout ‘ I just started lactating!’

Strip poker.

For the poker lovers and skilled at it, you’d go for this!
Who wouldn’t want a chance to see their better half stripping for them? Nobody.
For every round that one loses, they get to take one clothing off, so the more they lose, the lesser clothes they end up having!

With all that said, hope we will all try to have fun while staying safe.



  1. Woow... Now I have something to tryout

  2. niice ...it will surely kill boredom 😊

  3. Margiekush thank you for always sharing this with me.
    I love love love it.πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


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