Five Ways That Women Come Off As Desperate

It’s only human nature to want to be loved or find a partner. Sometimes we feel like the gods of love just aren’t on our side. This in turn might make some women give desperate vibes off, unintentional as it might be, to get a man to like them.

1. Overly- Affectionate

So you just met this guy, but you constantly are melting all over him. Too much affection in a new relationship might come off as smothering and clingy.

Men know if/when they have earned your affection and if they deserve it. You might make them wish for space too soon in the relationship. 

Am not saying no affection but give what you get, make sure it is being reciprocated. Learn their love language and what works for them before you get too mushy on them.

2. Calling/ Texting too much

One of the basic foundations of a relationship is good communication but not one that comes off as nagging. You add a man to your life but don’t make him your life. 

It’s impressive to a man if you have your own life going on for you and things to do. This gives him time to miss you and yearn for your presence. Don’t let your whole life revolve around his life. Make him want more and work for it.

3. Sexual Favors

If a man likes and wants you as a part of his life, he’ll make the initiative and put in the effort to get and stick with you and if he doesn’t, no amount of sexual favors would get him to.

This not only comes off as desperate but it is desperate.
Men know when they’re entitled to such favors and if you’re doing this for him to like you, it’s like servicing him before he gets to service your heart.

“I don’t usually do this on the first date but...” just screams that’s what you usually do. Might send signals you’re too desperate for things to go down. Leave room for mystery and exploration.

4. Financial Favors

No this is not about the woman asking for money or financial favors but the woman actually doing this for a man to like her better or to prove a point.

Some women believe that an independent financial woman would make a guy commit fast. Sure most men prefer their women financially able but if you’re trying too much to show the guy that you are a lady that can get things done for him on the financial perspective especially, if you just getting to know each other, you’ll end up being used easily.

Try to do these things for someone who’s earned and deserves your love and actually reciprocate it. Why? Because a man will commit only if he wants to and not because he’s getting the money from you.

5. Thirst Trapping
 What do I mean by this? Your whole definition as a woman revolves around excessive sexuality. For example the extreme  sexy and flirty posts online to fuel your ego and create attention and make you look like a badass.

Am all about body positivity and being confident in your own skin but if the only way you want to get attention is by sexualizing your body all the time, especially around men, might come off as trying too hard. It might not always be the case, but that’s how it looks.

It attracts the wrong men too!


In conclusion, be a great woman to a great man and a no one to a nobody. Don’t let your efforts as a woman exceed the efforts he puts in just because you want to be liked better or keep him. You are the prize!


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