Sometimes we sail a relationship for so long, hold onto it and try to steer it to the path that we want, but we can only do that for so long and if it’s not going our way, we should decide to let that ship sail away. When should we walk away? 1. THE TOLERANCE ASPECT. As much as we should persevere in relationships and compromise, it only applies to reasonable things that won’t drain us emotionally and won’t feel forced. If a relationship starts to feel more of a burden and you are more of tolerating your partner than enjoying their presence in your life, blow that candle out as much as it would be a hard one to. If it feels like you have given it your all but it’s not working out and you have to be with them for other reasons other than love and willingness to, call it off before you drown anymore. 2. SEX FEELS LIKE A CHORE. One of the exciting parts in a couple’s life is great sexual chemistry. It starts to feel forced and you’re only doing it because that’s wh...